JLA Gods & Monsters Wonder Woman #1:
Prequel to the DC Universe movie, Justice League: Gods & Monsters! Earth in the 1960s, where a woman-warrior from a faraway world finds herself among a group of young idealists, seeking peace & love in a time of turbulence & upheaval. But Bekka of the New Gods finds her Aquarian dream abruptly shattered when she encounters the monstrous genius of Doctor Psycho & the Shock Exchange! DC (W)DeMatteis, Timm (A)Leonardi, Green (CA)Lee
Dark Corridor #1: From the author of Clover Honey & 8 ½ Ghosts, a new seies set in the fictional coastal city of Red Circle — city totally controlled by mobsters — who, after decades of wielding power, are silently being picked off one-by-one by unidentified female assassins. Like a Goodfellas script re-imagined by Quentin Tarantino, this sprawling crime-adventure will keep you guessing & tuning in for more month after month! Image (W/A/CA)Tommaso
Red Sonja Conan #1: Red Sonja & Conan are reunited as captains of mercenary companies who team to fight the forces of an evil sorcerer. Little do they realize that a shadow of the past has returned, something of dire peril from their previous adventures together. It’s the Cimmerian & Sonja reunited for more bloody swordplay! Dynamite (W)Gischler (A)Castro (CA)Ross
>> See all of this week’s books by clicking here.