
DC Discussion Group

881991_572697359477283_361231866_oNew Wave Comics regular and DC superfan, Chris McCoy, hosts a DC discussion group that meets monthly at the shop. The next group will meet at 3pm on Saturday, March 29.

Topics for this month’s discussion include:
* Frank Miller’s Year One vs. Scott Snyder’s Zero Year
* John Romita, Jr. coming to Superman.
* The fate of Nightwing
* What we can expect for Free Comic Book Day.

Questions? Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or


March Madness Sale!

new wave_march madness color final 1-upSpring into savings at the Victorian Carriage Shops! From March 1 through March 31, bring your receipt from one shop in the Victorian Carriage Shops complex to another shop and you’ll receive 10% off your purchase there. Simply make your purchase at one of the participating shops (listed below) to start saving!

Participating shops:
* Bella’s Boutique (website)
* Land of Olive Oil & Balsamics (website)
* New Wave Comics & Collectibles (website)
* Southwest Trading Post (website)
* Village Irish Shop (website)


Newsletter: 2/27

nw_newsletter banner

Hey there, Super Friends 🙂

We hope the this email finds you well! It’s hard to believe, but spring is right around the corner. To celebrate, we will be participating in a sale event here at the Victorian Carriage Shops throughout the month of March. Also coming up is this weekend’s Born of the Gods Game Day — reserve your spot today, if you haven’t already! At the end of this month, join us for a new Modern format Magic series beginning March 27, our DC Discussion Group on March 29, and monthly Pokémon Tournament on March 30. Read below for details on all these events and others!

>> Click to view the full newsletter.

Picks & Reviews

Book & Brew Review: Amazing X-Men & Stout

 This is the second in a new series by shop regular, Chris Haas, The Book & Brew Review.

>>> Book: Amazing X-Men #4

b&b_amazing xmen #4“Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties ’cause it’s cooooold out there today.”

-Groundhog Day

Apparently, purgatory is a bitch. I loved the look of this cover.  My favorite part has to be the use of blue as the only color.  And it’s not often that icicles form on Wolverine’s claws but it seems that it’s pretty damn cold in the world of in-between.  The cover is credited to Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines, and Marte Gracia.  These talented individuals also provide the great work within the comic itself and have done so throughout the first four issues.  I hope the partnership lasts well into this particular X-Men book.

As for the book itself, Ed McGuinness is doing a fantastic job at bringing back a dead teammate.  If you are a regular reader, then you know who I mean.  But I’m not a fan of spoilers, so I won’t say anything to give it away.  The writing is playful and energetic, avoiding the major serious attitudes that can sometime plague the other major mutant titles (not that solemn tones aren’t necessary now and then).  All in all, I always look forward to a new issue.

Also, on a side note, screw that guy in the background. No one cares about you. That’s why you are in the background (Poor Northstar).

>>> Brew: Rogue Ales Double Chocolate Stout

b&b_rogue double choc stoutSo last week I did a stout and this week I’m doing a stout.  I swear I have love for a wide range of beers.  It just happens to be that I’m in a phase right now.  A delicious phase.  And once again, I’ve found another beer to satiate that desire.  Rogue is a quality brewery out of Newport, Oregon.  I’ve had tons of different brews from their list and not one has disappointed.  In fact, before I had this one, I had their regular chocolate stout to compare the two.  The regular was decent, but it could not compare to the tastiness of the double.

The beer is considered an American Double/ Imperial Stout with a healthy ABV of 9%.  There is a slight coffee flavor with a hint of vanilla.  The color is close to pitch black and it leaves me nice and warm when I take on the entire 22 oz. bottle.  Yum.


Born of the Gods Game Day



Your first chance to play the new Standard format!

  • Everyone who enters gets a special foil promotional card for signing up (while supplies last)
  • Top 8 wins exclusive full-art promo cards
  • Winner receives a rare exclusive playmat for their victory

>> Game Day will take place on Saturday, March 1 at 4:30pm.  Cost is $5 and REGISTRATION IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Stop by the shop, call us at (610) 222-9200, or email

Read about the Standard Format deck construction rules by clicking here.

BATTLE THE HORDE: Minotaurs threaten the poleis and the wild lands between them. Dare you stand before the oncoming Horde? Battle the Horde of minotaurs with your best Standard Magic deck at Born of the Gods Game Day. Your Hero’s Path will bring you face to face with this self-running Challenge Deck. Don’t forget to bring your two best Hero Cards! Learn more at

Picks & Reviews

Book & Brew Review: X-Men & Bourbon Stout

 This is the first in a new series by shop regular, Chris Haas, The Book & Brew Review.

>>> Book: X-Men Legacy #24

b&b_x-men lagacy #24What don’t I love about this cover?

The art is incredible, of course, and Mike Del Mundo delivers as usual.  My favorite aspect would be how he uses the yellow and pink to create shading and depth.  His work succeeds in what every great cover should do and that is to capture my attention.

The part that I enjoy the most has to be the emphasized connection between father and son.  A little history lesson if you will indulge me.  The guy getting the haircut from a blindfolded chick happens to be David Haller (aka Legion).  His deceased father is well known mutant leader Charles Xavier.  And there, in lies, the major problem with David’s life.  Despite the recent death of his father, he can never escape his father’s presence. Removing the ridiculous haircut that has made Legion so recognizable destroys the former identity.  Of course, no haircut takes place in the comic.  That would be silly.  But the father issues are blatant throughout the entire series.  To show Legion with that bald head reminds us of how much he truly wishes to live up to his father’s legacy.  Get it?!?!  Legacy?…yeah, it’s a little on the nose.

Overall, the writer, Simon Spurrier, should feel pride when it comes to completing a well-written series that was based around someone who doesn’t really show up on the radar when it comes to major X-Men storylines.  The covers just happened to be the icing on the cake.

>>> Brew: Goose Island Bourbon County Stout

Ib&b_goose island bourban stout am not an expert.  By any means.  But when it comes to stouts, I feel that I’ve found something special in this particular beer.  Recently, I was informed that Goose Island is not technically a craft brew due to their sale to Anheuser-Busch in 2011.  But I say screw the details, this beer is craft at heart and it remains delicious.  It is considered an American Double/Imperial Stout.  And this wonderful, tasty beer clocks in at an impressive 14.2% ABV.  It’s wood and barrel aged, with a dark, thick body.  When I pour, I always notice the almost syrup like quality.

Up until at least 6 months ago, I wasn’t a big stout person.  They belonged to a class of beer that didn’t strike me as spectacular.  I don’t know what happened, but one day, the palate changed.  And I’m thankful for that because it led to me enjoying this fine beer.  It was perfect for a cold winter night while reading my comics, and I hope you try it as soon as possible (if you’re able to get your hands on it).


DC Discussion Group Meet-up

881991_572697359477283_361231866_oNew Wave Comics regular and DC superfan, Chris McCoy, is forming a DC discussion group, which will meet monthly at the shop. The first group will meet at 3pm on Saturday, February 8.

On the docket for discussion includes, Twilight of the Superheroes, New 52 and crossovers. To learn about Twilight of the Superheroes, Alan Moore’s unpublished proposal, click here.

Questions? Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or


Newsletter: 1/31


Hey there, Super Friends 🙂

This is just a quick update to let you know about upcoming events at the shop. Most importantly, this weekend’s Born of the Gods Prerelease! We still have spots available for Saturday’s 6pm event and Sunday’s 12noon event. See below for information on the prerelease, our upcoming DC Discussion Group meeting on 2/8, as well as several other upcoming events.

>> Click to view the full newsletter.


It’s time to order your Born of the Gods Buy-a-Box!

EN_Booster_DisplayOrder your Born of the Gods box now to receive a special discount and promo card!  Cost for the box is $107, and includes 36 Born of the Gods packs and one alternate-art, foil promo card.  Pre-order your box in the store or by clicking the “Buy Now” button, below.  Pick up will be on February 7 at the shop.  Orders must be placed by Monday, February 3 at 12noon to ensure delivery on February 7.  Orders may still be placed after that time, but will not be at the shop by February 7. Promo cards available only while supplies last, so order soon!

>> Questions?  Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or


Develop a Game for the Lunar Deck

nw_toms card game

New Wave Super Friend, Thomas, recently designed the cards pictured above, called the Lunar Deck.  Now, it’s time for you to come up with a game for them!  Here are the details:

  • Deck contains 6 suites with 9 cards each, for a total of 54 cards.
  • Each suite is identified by a color; gray, orange, black, brown, blue, green.
  • Each card depicts a center and corner images of a moon phase (a smaller image of a “chain” of moon phases depicts the previous phases of the lunar cycle).
  • Each card depicts an element; water, fire, earth, metal, wood, or harmony.
  • There is also an eclipse card (top left) that is comparable to an ace in that it can be used as high or low.

So far, a Uno-type game has been played with the deck.  What are your ideas?  Stop in the shop to see the deck in person, and if you’re interested in getting together with others to discuss ideas, contact us at (610) 222-9200 or