I know this is Marvel’s weekly flip advert, but please, PLEASE check out our post about us making September independent comic month.
On to the business. #1s, there are a few (see after shameless Cosmic Ghost Rider plug). Also, Cosmic Ghost Rider variants galore! The Immortal Hulk #5 Cosmic Ghost Rider variant (by Razzah) is incredible!

Who are the Asgardians of the Galaxy you ask? They are; Angela, the not-so-beloved half-sister of Thor. The hotheaded Valkyrie – and the human who shares her form, Annabelle Riggs. Skurge the Executioner, freshly returned from Hel. Throg, the mightiest frog of thunder. Kevin Masterson, the boy who took his father’s mace to become the hero Thunderstrike. And the Destroyer, the Asgardian armor built to take down Celestials – its wielder unknown. Dale Keown is doing the regular cover and it’s AwEsOmE!

Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Cover A Dale Keown)
Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Cover B Skottie Young)
Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Cover C Humberto Ramos)
Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Cover D Cliff Chang)
Old Man Logan Annual #1 (Cover A Shane Davis)
Old Man Logan Annual #1 (Cover B Gerardo Sandoval)
Silver Surfer Annual #1 (Cover A Philip Tan)
Silver Surfer Annual #1 (Cover B Marcos Martin)
Thanos Legacy #1 (Cover A Geoff Shaw)
Thanos Legacy #1 (Cover B Ron Lim)
Thanos Legacy #1 (Cover C Stonehouse)
Thanos Legacy #1 (Cover D Esad Ribic)
Thanos Legacy #1 (Cover E Dave Johnson Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Thanos Legacy #1 (Cover F George Perez)
Oh yes, Thanos Legacy. So what happened between Thanos Wins & Infinity Wars? This fills in the gap & gives some insight into him losing his head in Infinity Wars (did a do a good enough job of being ambiguous to avoid spoilers?). Check out the sick Ribic variant (sorry, already sold)!

X-Men titles:
Astonishing X-Men #15 (Cover A Greg Land)
Astonishing X-Men #15 (Cover B Akcho Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Deadpool #4 (Cover A Nic Klein)
Deadpool #4 (Cover B Todd Nauck Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Weapon X #23
Wolverine Old Man Logan Volume 8 To Kill For TP
X-Men Gold #35
How about a special Alex Ross cover section.
Captain America #3 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99
Captain America #3 (Cover D Patrick Zircher Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Immortal Hulk #5 (Cover A Alex Ross)
Immortal Hulk #5 (Cover B Rahzzah Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
By the way, Immortal Hulk is a great read. Al Ewing is one of the most underrated writers in comics. He can bounce back in forth with genres, Immortal Hulk has started as a horror book and is really good.

Rounding out the month:
Ant-Man And The Wasp #5 (Of 5)
Avengers #7 (Cover A Geoff Shaw)
Avengers #7 (Cover B Clayton Crain)
Avengers #7 (Cover C Tradd Moore Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Avengers #7 (Cover D Eve Ventrue Marvel’s Spider-Man Video Game Variant)
Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #23
Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Geoff Shaw)
Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Declan Shalvey): see the 1:25 variant below!
Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Ivan Shavrin)

Two solid tales from Donny Cates. Cosmic Ghost Rider is a fun, goofy book that would appeal to Deadpool fans & Death of the Inhumans is a dark, twisted tale.
Death Of The Inhumans #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Kaare Andrews)
Death Of The Inhumans #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Aaron Kuder Young Guns Variant Cover D)

Quicksilver No Surrender #5 (Of 5)
Spider-Man Deadpool #38
Star Wars #53 (Cover A David Marquez)
Star Wars #53 (Cover B Rod Reis Galactic Icon Variant)
Star Wars #53 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #2 (Cover A Caspar Wijngaard)
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #2 (Cover B Ashley Witter)
Venom First Host #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mark Bagley)
Venom First Host #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Rod Reis)
The True Believers are great buys, get classic stories for only $1! When will you ever be able to get a Daredevil #1 for $1, seriously.

True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Daredevil By Bendis And Maleev #1
True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Daredevil By Lee And Everett #1
True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Daredevil By Smith Quesada And Palmiotti #1