
My Little Pony CCG Release


NOTE: Due to production issues, the release has been delayed, so we’ve changed our event date.

Join us for our first My Little Pony CCG release on Sunday, May 25 at 2pm. This will be your opportunity to check out and play the very first expansion of MLP: CCG! Cost will be $15 for 3 packs and prizes. Stay tuned for more details 🙂

About the new deck:
The first expansion of MLP: CCG will go on sale May 16. According to Enterplay, MLP: CCG Canterlot Nights will add over 200 cards to the game, including two new Mane Character ponies, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Theme decks for the release will each include two special foil Mane Character cards, representing the two game play colors featured in that deck: Luna (Purple) pairs with Rainbow Dash (Blue), and Celestia (Yellow) is combined with Rarity (White).

MLP: CCG Canterlot Nights has plenty of new features for players – Fan favorites like DJPon3 and Queen Chrysalis make their first appearances, and Mane Characters can now be found as Uncommon cards in packs, and new game play elements such as “Pumped” add excitement to game play.


Closed on April 20th

We will be closed for Easter, April 20th.  See you on Wednesday, April, 23 for new comic book day and open game night!


Free Comic Book Day!!


Free Comic Book Day is a single day – the first Saturday in May each year – when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely FREE to anyone who comes into their stores. Free Comic Book Day has been happening since 2002, but this will be the first year our doors have been open to participate! We’re super excited to be a part of the thousands of shops around the world to be giving away millions of free comic books to interested readers 🙂

Come to pick up your free comic book on May 3, and you’ll also have the chance to meet two Mandalorian Bounty Hunters from Boba Fett’s home world in Star Wars, as well as a Storm Trooper! The Bounty Hunters will be in the shop 11am-2pm and the Storm Trooper will be in the shop 2pm-7pm.

>> We’re looking for local artists to celebrate with us at the shop — please contact us at (610) 222-9200 or if you’re interested.

To learn more about Free Comic Book Day, visit


Reserve your Journey into Nyx box now thru the Buy-a-Box promo!

JOU_MTG_LogoOrder your Journey into Nyx box now to receive a special discount and promo card! Cost for the box is $107, and includes 36 Journey into Nyx packs and one alternate-art, foil promo card. Pre-order your box in the store or by clicking the “Buy Now” button, below. Pick up will be on May 2 at the shop. Orders must be placed by Friday, April 25 at 12noon to ensure delivery on May 2. Orders may still be placed after that time, but will not be at the shop by May 2. Promo cards available only while supplies last, so order soon!

>> Questions? Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or


Art Contest & Silent Auction

nw_art contest flyer 1-up


We’re hosting our first art contest and silent auction!  To participate, simply submit your comic book-themed art with a completed release form to New Wave by April 30.  On May 10, we will host the contest, which will be judged by professional comic book artist, Khoi Pham, and by New Wave customers. Recognition and PRIZES will be awarded to the following:

  • Artist’s Choice Winner, selected by Khoi Pham
  • Customers’ Choice Winner, selected by customers of New Wave Comics
  • Honorable Mentions, selected by Khoi, customers, and New Wave owners.

After the contest, all entries will be sold during a silent auction to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the First Amendment rights of the comics medium.  The silent auction will take place at New Wave throughout the month of May.

>>> Click here to download the complete rules and release form.  As always, contact the shop with any questions!


DC Discussion Group

881991_572697359477283_361231866_oNew Wave Comics regular and DC superfan, Chris McCoy, hosts a DC discussion group that meets monthly at the shop. The next group will meet at 3pm on Saturday, March 29.

Topics for this month’s discussion include:
* Frank Miller’s Year One vs. Scott Snyder’s Zero Year
* John Romita, Jr. coming to Superman.
* The fate of Nightwing
* What we can expect for Free Comic Book Day.

Questions? Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or


March Madness Sale!

new wave_march madness color final 1-upSpring into savings at the Victorian Carriage Shops! From March 1 through March 31, bring your receipt from one shop in the Victorian Carriage Shops complex to another shop and you’ll receive 10% off your purchase there. Simply make your purchase at one of the participating shops (listed below) to start saving!

Participating shops:
* Bella’s Boutique (website)
* Land of Olive Oil & Balsamics (website)
* New Wave Comics & Collectibles (website)
* Southwest Trading Post (website)
* Village Irish Shop (website)


Born of the Gods Game Day



Your first chance to play the new Standard format!

  • Everyone who enters gets a special foil promotional card for signing up (while supplies last)
  • Top 8 wins exclusive full-art promo cards
  • Winner receives a rare exclusive playmat for their victory

>> Game Day will take place on Saturday, March 1 at 4:30pm.  Cost is $5 and REGISTRATION IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Stop by the shop, call us at (610) 222-9200, or email

Read about the Standard Format deck construction rules by clicking here.

BATTLE THE HORDE: Minotaurs threaten the poleis and the wild lands between them. Dare you stand before the oncoming Horde? Battle the Horde of minotaurs with your best Standard Magic deck at Born of the Gods Game Day. Your Hero’s Path will bring you face to face with this self-running Challenge Deck. Don’t forget to bring your two best Hero Cards! Learn more at


DC Discussion Group Meet-up

881991_572697359477283_361231866_oNew Wave Comics regular and DC superfan, Chris McCoy, is forming a DC discussion group, which will meet monthly at the shop. The first group will meet at 3pm on Saturday, February 8.

On the docket for discussion includes, Twilight of the Superheroes, New 52 and crossovers. To learn about Twilight of the Superheroes, Alan Moore’s unpublished proposal, click here.

Questions? Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or


It’s time to order your Born of the Gods Buy-a-Box!

EN_Booster_DisplayOrder your Born of the Gods box now to receive a special discount and promo card!  Cost for the box is $107, and includes 36 Born of the Gods packs and one alternate-art, foil promo card.  Pre-order your box in the store or by clicking the “Buy Now” button, below.  Pick up will be on February 7 at the shop.  Orders must be placed by Monday, February 3 at 12noon to ensure delivery on February 7.  Orders may still be placed after that time, but will not be at the shop by February 7. Promo cards available only while supplies last, so order soon!

>> Questions?  Contact us at (610) 222-9200 or