Quick word before we get into the business. If you want to see all the books we have coming in this Wednesday, go to our ‘New Book Releases’ page on our website, it has a comprehensive list of all the titles we are getting in WITHOUT the inane commentary from me.
Back to the business.
That’s right, Wolverine is finally back and we have a healthy stock for Wednesday. Get them now because they are SOLD OUT at the distributor level. What that means is that we can no longer reorder 1st prints of the book, what we ordered from our distributor is all we are going to get (on rare occasions some might be available, but that’s rare). Why tell you this? Letting you know that something is sold out at the distributor level tells you two things.
1) The book is popular not just at our store, but enough stores ordered it so that Diamond Distribution (the sole distributor of comics) sold out of their stock. All stores will not be able reorder this book.
2) If you are interested, get in now for cover price because sell outs are what drive up the price of a book. Your options is to hunt it down or wait for the 2nd print of the book.
Let’s start with the OTHER #1s out this week. Check out the Dell’Otto Amazing Spider-man Annual #1 variant! This week we see the start of new characters spinning out of the Infinity Wars event with Soldier Supreme #1 (I’m not saying Infinity Warps, that’s silly).

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover A Aco), $4.99
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto)
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover C Dennis Chan Marvel’s Spider-Man Video Game Variant)
Captain America Annual #1 (Cover A Chris Sprouse), $4.99
Captain America Annual #1 (Cover B Kaare Andrews)
Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99
Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Humberto Ramos Design Variant)
Infinity Wars Soldier Supreme #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Adam Kubert)

Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Steve McNiven), $4.99
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Steve McNiven X-Force Costume Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Steve McNiven Fang Costume Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Steve McNiven Age Of Apocalypse Costume Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Steve McNiven Patch Costume Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Steve McNiven Weapon X Costume Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Steve McNiven Brown & Tan Costume Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Steve McNiven Original Wolverine Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover K John Cassaday)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover L Leinil Francis Yu)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover M Skottie Young)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover N John Tyler Christopher)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover O Todd Nauck Party Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover P Steve McNiven Premiere Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover Q Blank Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover R Steve McNiven Age Of Apocalypse Costume Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover S Steve McNiven Brown & Tan Costume Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover T Steve McNiven Current Costume Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover U Steve McNiven Fang Costume Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover V Steve McNiven Patch Costume Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover W Steve McNiven Weapon X Costume Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover X Steve McNiven Original Wolverine Virgin Variant)
Return Of Wolverine #1 (Of 5)(Cover Y Steve McNiven X-Force Costume Virgin Variant)
Now on to the rest of Marvel releases.
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #23, $3.99
Avengers #8 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99
Avengers #8 (Cover B Philip Tan)
Avengers #8 (Cover C Mike McKone Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Doctor Strange #5 (Cover A Javier Garron), $3.99
Doctor Strange #5 (Cover B Julian Totino Tedesco Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Edge of Spider-Geddon, 1 per customer has been the theme with these books. Put the regular series, Spider-Geddon, on your pull list now. Spider-geddon #0 comes out 9/26 and is already sold out at the distributor level! The ‘Edge of’ series have been putting out cool characters that make getting back issues hard to find. They’re also fun stories that don’t screw up the timeline, for some reason.

Edge Of Spider-Geddon #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Tonci Zonjic), $3.99
Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Pepe Larraz 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
Franklin Richards A Fantastic Year #1, $7.99
NEW STORY ARC! Have you heard how aWeSoMe! Immortal Hulk is, but missed the boat? Now’s the time to jump in as a new story arc called ‘Green Door’ starts here! What is a jump in issue or new story arc? Simply put, you can start reading this issue without having read any of the prior issues and not be lost. We are going to bring back our ‘Jump In Issue’ tags in the store, which will indicate which books start new stories for you to start reading. And these books feature incredible Alex Ross covers!

Immortal Hulk #6 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99
Immortal Hulk #6 (Cover B Brent Schoonover Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant)
Life Of Captain Marvel #2 (Of 5)(Carlos Pacheco Lau 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Life Of Captain Marvel #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99
Life Of Captain Marvel #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Joe Quesada), AR
Life Of Captain Marvel #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Joe Quesada Virgin Variant)
Mr. And Mrs. X #3 (Cover A Terry Dodson), $3.99
Mr. And Mrs. X #3 (Cover B Phil Noto), AR
Multiple Man #4 (Of 5), $3.99
Spider-Gwen Volume 6 The Life Of Gwen Stacy TP, $15.99
I had to stick in this awesome John Tyler Christopher Squid Head variant for the Star Wars fans out there.

Star Wars #54 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99
Star Wars #54 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant)
Star Wars Lando Double Or Nothing #5 (Of 5)(Cover A W. Scott Forbes), $3.99
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The Menace Revealed Volume 1 TP, $39.99
Thor #5 (Cover A Esad Ribic), $3.99
Thor #5 (Cover B James Harren Connecting Hammer Variant E), AR
Thor #5 (Cover C Ema Lupacchino Cosmic Ghost Rider Variant), AR
Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Valerio Schiti 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Don’t forget the True Believers titles, which are only $1.00! Marvel usually coincide these with new releases on Netflix and/or movie releases. Pretty cool to be able to get 1st appearances for $1.00 and some of these actually go up in value (I know, I know, that’s not why you buy comics, but it doesn’t hurt to have value to your collection). Check out the Mike Zeck cover, just awesome! Punisher #1 was the first mainstream cover that went above-and-beyond all the other covers out there in eye appeal. Now you have Mattina, Artgerm, etc. putting out awesome covers, but Zeck, to me, was the first artist putting out top notch covers AND he did the interior art!

True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Iron Fist By Thomas And Kane #1, $1.00
True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Power Man And Iron Fist #1, $1.00
True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Punisher By Grant And Zeck #1, $1.00
True Believers Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary Punisher The First Appearance #1, $1.00
Venom is sold out at the distributor level, new character, blah blah blah. Same old story for Mr. Cates & Mr. Stegman, just killing this title with tons of cool, dark imagery. This ends the first Donny Cates/Ryan Stegman story arc! (did I mention that issue #7 is also sold out at the distributor level already and it doesn’t come out until mid-October? Put this on your pull if it is not on there already.)

Venom #6 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99
Venom #6 (Cover B Humberto Ramos Cosmic Ghost Rider Vs Variant), AR
Venom By Daniel Way The Complete Collection TP (New Printing), $34.99
Venom First Host #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99
Venom First Host #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Tak Miyazawa), AR
Venom Volume 4 The Nativity TP, $15.99
West Coast Avengers #2 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $3.99
West Coast Avengers #2 (Cover C Tim Tsang Marvel’s Spider-Man Video Game Variant), AR
X-Men Gold #36 (Cover A Phil Noto), $3.99
X-Men Gold #36 (Cover B Whilce Portacio Final Issue Variant), AR