Marvel Flip

Check out Marvel’s books on sale 8/28/2018!

First a quick word about damages. Without fail, we always have some damages with our order. Whether it be from the manufacturer or shipping, there is always something damaged. Some weeks are worse than others, there’s nothing we can do about it. Damages take 2 weeks, yes TWO WEEKS to get back to us. 99% of the time they do get replaced, so an exercise in patience is appreciated. “Jason, you must be saying this because something important was damaged this week.” If you are saying this you would be correct. The Web of Venom #1 cover B were all damaged. If you want one, please let us know and we will put it in your box when it gets delivered. On to the business.

The search for Wolverine is over & we have options! (Check out the Keown & Coipel covers below!)

Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $4.99
Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Cover B Dale Keown)
Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Cover C Olivier Coipel)
Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Cover D Steve McNiven Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant)


A few #2s come out this week & hope to continue their solid story lines. If you are NOT reading Extermination and are looking to jump into an X-book for the first time, this might be the series!

  • Edge Of Spider-Geddon #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Jake Wyatt), $3.99
    Edge Of Spider-Geddon #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Cully Hamner)
  • Extermination #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mark Brooks), $3.99
    Extermination #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Frank Cho)
    Extermination #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Mike Hawthorne Connecting Variant B)
  • X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Ed Piskor), $5.99
    X-Men Grand Design Second Genesis #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Ed Piskor)


Venom continues his hot run with a host of new books written by Mike Costa & Donny Cates! They already have a 2nd print of Ve’Nam scheduled.

Venom First Host #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99
Web Of Venom Ve’Nam #1 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $4.99 All of our variants were damaged, UGH! We can reserve one for you when the come back in the shop.


Wrapping up the rest of the Marvel books is as follows:

Daredevil Annual #1 (Cover A Shane Davis), $4.99
Daredevil Annual #1 (Cover B Gerardo Zaffino), AR
Deadpool Assassin #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99
Deadpool Assassin #6 (Of 6)(Cover B John Tyler Christopher)
Exiles #7, $3.99
Fantastic Four #1 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99
Marvel Two-In-One #9 (Cover A Gerardo Zaffino), $3.99
Marvel Two-In-One #9 (Cover B Alan Davis Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant)
Moon Knight #198, $3.99
Ms. Marvel #33, $3.99
New Mutants Dead Souls #6 (Of 6), $3.99
Runaways #12, $3.99
Star Wars Lando Double Or Nothing #4 (Of 5)(Cover A W. Scott Forbes), $3.99
Star Wars Poe Dameron Annual #2 (Cover A Rod Reis), $4.99
Star Wars Poe Dameron Annual #2 (Cover B Declan Shalvey)
X-23 #3 (Cover A Mike Choi), $3.99
X-23 #3 (Cover B Carlos Pacheco Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant)
X-Men Blue #34, $3.99

Marvel Flip

Check out Marvel’s books on sale 8/22/2018!

I promise pics from the 5 Year Anniversary Party are coming this week!

On to this week’s Marvel books!

A VeNoM book for kids ?!?!?!?! Yes, it’s true! Marvel Super Hero Adventures Inferno #1!

Leading the way is Punisher #1! Matthew Rosenberg is continuing his run with Frank Castle. He’s out of the War Machine armor, but still ready to deal out some of his own brand of justice. This is a great issue to jump in on a new story arc!

Another new #1 is West Coast Avengers! Yes, they’re back & this go around you get BOTH Hawkeyes (Clint & Kate), Fuse, Gwenpool, America Chavez & Kid Omega! Written by Kelly Thompson, this is sure to be a fun ride with Stefano Caselli providing art!

Rounding out the week: Amazing Spider-man #4, Avengers #6, Black Panther #3, Daredevil #607, , Life of Captain Marvel #2, Old Man Hawkeye #8, Sentry #3 (Definitely should be reading this!), Venom #5, & Wakanda Forever Avengers #1.

X-Books for the week: Hunt for Wolverine Mystery in Madripoor #4, Mr. & Mrs. X #2, Old Man Logan #46, X-Men Gold #34, & X-Men Red #7.

Star Wars books being released this week are: Darth Vader #20 & Doctor Aphra #23.


Marvel Flip

Check out Marvel’s books on sale 8/15/2018! Be kind, POS problems :(

Due to the overwhelming volume of AWESOME customers on Saturday, our Point of Sale (POS) broke! We are feverishly working to fix it/get a new one, so please be kind 🙂 This is also why we haven’t created a post-event post yet, but it’s coming!

On to the good news, new comics on Wednesday!

Extermination #1 features a new X-Men event & it looks awesome. It’s already sold out at the distributor level, so grab a copy! (Check out the Larraz 1:25 variant below).

Edge of Spider-Geddon #1 comes out & we all remember what happened w/ the last Edge of release (for those of you who don’t remember, Spider-Gwen made her first appearance)! Cully Hamner variant below (I did not go big on this title, so reserve one if you definitely want one).

A couple annuals with Cable/Deadpool & Astonishing X-Men release & the Infinity War continues with #2. Doctor Strange #4, Deadpool Assassin #5, Hunt for Wolverine Claws of a Killer #4, Multiple Man #3, Thor #4, Weapon H #6, Tony Stark Iron Man #3 & Weapon X #22 all come out Wednesday. Rounding out Wednesday for Marvel is Star Wars Beckett #1 & Poe Dameron #30 hit the shelves.


5 Year Customer Appreciation Event !

Hello Everyone!

On August 11th, we are celebrating YOU, our wonderful friends of the shop for allowing us to be in business for 5 years! We are having an all-day celebration/customer appreciation event with free food (11am-1pm, ice cream & hot dogs!), free raffle, giveaways, a DJ (11am-1pm), store-wide sale & more! See below for pictures from our 5 years in business. It’s really cool to see some of the older pictures of customers that still come to the shop! If we don’t have a picture of you we will get one Saturday!

Two of our store staples, Khoi Pham & Tom Whalen, will be at the shop CONTINUING their awesome, much appreciated support of the store.
We’re welcoming new creators to the shop; Dave Perillo, Dean Kotz, James Dracoules, Christopher March (Imperium Comics) & Rob Ciampa! See below for bios.
Finally, the dynamic DJ Miro will be at the shop from 11am-1pm to kick off the event!

Dave Perillo was born in 1974, the same year Wham-O introduced the Slip N’ Slide…coincidence? In 1st grade, Dave revealed in his autobiography “Me Book”, that when he grew up he would like to be Ziggy. This ambition was deflated by 2nd grade when he realized that A) Ziggy is not real, B) Ziggy is completely bald, and C) Ziggy wears no pants. While the thought of going throughout life sans pants was somewhat appealing he decided to pursue his second choice, a career in art. Dave draws inspiration for his work from many of the following sources: 1950’s Sci-Fi Movies, Charles Schultz, Jim Flora, Ray Harryhausen, Roy Lichtenstein, Jim Henson, Hanna Barbera, The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock & Character Advertising Icons. Dave currently resides in the burbs of Philly, works as an illustrator, believes that bowling is the sport of kings and a bag of Swedish Fish is a seafood dinner.

Dean Kotz is a comic book artist, illustrator, and concept artist. Some of the many comic titles he’s drawn includeDungeons and Dragons (IDW), The Red Panda (IDW), Charmed (Zenescope), Poe (Boom!), Trailer Park of Terror(Imperium), and Krampus!, a series he co-created for Image Comics. He also does illustration work for many rpg and tabletop games. Dean lives in Brooklyn and is currently working on an original sci-fi graphic novel for Insight Comics.

James Dracoules and Christopher March are the co-creators of the independent horror anthology Trailer Park of Terror, published by Reading, PA based Imperium Comics.  In addition to shepherding 14 issues and 2 Halloween specials of the comic, they also served as Executive Producers of the Trailer Park of Terror film.

Rob Ciampa: I am an illustrator/designer living in Bucks County, PA.  I work in a variety of styles and mediums, both traditional and electronic, but my favorites are pencils, pen and ink.  I have been fortunate to be able to use my talents to help promote the township and local businesses of Perkasie, where I live.  I am also a self professed car nut and have created many privately commissioned pieces for classic car owners.  My dream is to create a graphic novel or comic series about moon dragons, a creature my daughter and I made up years ago.

Jimmy “DJ Miro” Mirynowski hails from the suburbs of Philadelphia.  At a young age Miro took interest in music production and mixing, and officially started his DJ career in 2005.  Since then he has created his own mobile DJ company, performing at events such as weddings, parties, and corporate events as well as DJing for various charities including The Make-A-Wish Foundation.  He uses one word to define himself as a DJ, which is contrast.  Blending every type of music to create a musical experience for every audience.


Check out Marvel’s books on sale 8/08/2018!

This is the week of the Fantastic Four!!! They FINALLY make their way back to the Marvel Universe and we’ll have all sorts of cool covers for you to choose from. The Artgerm covers are phenomenal! if you are interested in a specific cover, please let us know as we are getting them all up to the 1:50 Ross & 1:100 Ribic Virgin (see images below)!

Also coming out this week Amazing Spider-man #3, Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows #22, Champions #23, Daredevil #606, Domino #5, Exiles #6, Hunt for Wolverine Adamantium Agenda #4, Old Man Logan #45, Quicksilver No Surrender #4, Spider-Man Annual #1, Darth Vader #19 and X-Men Blue #33!



Podcast #10: Worst Podcast Ever!

Podcast #10 (recorded 7/19/2018). This podcast was recorded around midnight the day before I left on vacation making it the worst podcast EVER!

  • Hot Lunch
  • The New World
  • Batman #52
  • Hey Kids! Comics!

Listen as I don’t even know what I’m talking about and don’t even remember the books reviewed.

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Marvel Flip

Check out Marvel’s books on sale 7/25/2018!

X-Men Grand Design: Second Genesis #1 – Ed Piskar continues his epic telling of the history of the X-Men! If you haven’t jumped in on this, do so. Whether your are a devoted, casual or new X-Men fan this is an incredible book that is accessible for everyone!

The newly weds, Gambit & Rogue, start their 1st adventure in Mr. & Mrs. X #1. The Fantastic Four True Believers continue to roll out in anticipation of Fantastic Four #1.

The second installments of X-23 & Amazing Spider-Man #2 make their way to the stands. X-23 was a really good first issue, the 2nd should prove to be just as good. Meanwhile, the jury seems to be out on the artwork for Amazing Spider-Man.

HOTLY anticipated books; Venom #4 & (sleeper hit) Sentry #2 drop this week. Venom is a no-brainer, but Sentry slid under the radar on most people’s reading list. Check out this book, Jeff Lemire has started what appears to be another awesome tale!

Infinity Wars Prime #1 (I don’t understand this stuff) kinda begins Infinity Wars? So we had Infinity Countdown, now Infinity Wars Prime only to get to Infinity Wars? Anyway, it’s Deodato art, so it should be awesome AND it’s sold out at the distributor level (check out our up-and-coming podcast #10 if you don’t know what I mean by this).

Rounding out the releases: Champtions #21, Deadpool Assassin #4, Hunt for Wolverine Mystery in Madripoor #3, Old Man Logan #44, Multiple Man #2, X-Men Wakanda #1, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #33, X-Men Blue #32, Moon Knight #, Star Wars Doctor Aphra #22, Star Wars Lando Double or Nothing #3.


Podcast #9: Seeds of Change, Controversy & a Cold Batman!

Podcast #9 (recorded 7/11/2018). In this podcast I review 4 yet-to-be-released books & Avengers #200!

  • Action Comics #1001
  • Batman ’66 Meets Archie #1
  • Batman #51
  • Seeds #1
  • Avengers #200

Listen as I lament the loss of my partner and try to pick up the pieces. I also get hopeful and take some new direction while holding on to roots of the podcast.

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Check out Marvel’s books on sale 7/11/2018!

Amazing Spider-Man #1 !!!!! Dan Slott is out and Nick Spencer & Ryan Ottley are the new creative team on the book. If you haven’t read any Nick Spencer stuff I can safely say the book will be a little more ‘adult’. Nick Spencer has a history with Spider-Man as he worked on Superior Foes of Spider-Man, which was really good. Ryan Ottley was THE artist on Robert Kirkman’s Invincible! His artwork will lend very well to Amazing Spider-Man, guaranteed!

X-23 #1 comes out with Marika Tamaki & artist Juan Cabal at the helm. Laura sheds the Wolverine costume and returns to her roots as X-23 w/ Gabby at her side.

Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows, Daredevil, Deadpool Assassin, Domino, Exiles, Ms. Marvel, New Mutants: Dead Souls, Old Man Logan, Punisher, Quicksilver, Star Wars, Thrawn, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, X-Men Blue and a host of True Believers (Fantastic Four themed) titles are released.

The Infinity War (Darkhawk) & Hunt for Wolverine (Adamantium Agenda) forges on as we wait for the big events to kick off!


Podcast #8: Unnatural is a natural hit, Harley visits Kirby land & Magic Order delivers!

Podcast #8 (recorded 6/15/2018). In this podcast we review 5 yet-to-be-released books & 1 released book!

  • Captain America #1
  • Black Hammer: Quantum Age #1
  • New Lieutenants of Metal #1
  • Unnatural #1
  • Harley Quinn #45
  • Magic Order #1

Listen as Khoi’s confused about why Captain America is so prominently featured in his own book & hear us reminisce about our history with heavy metal! Hear us gush over Magic Order & critique Mirka Andolfo’s American release of Unnatural!

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